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Best cell phone and cell phone accessories

If you're out to buy a cell phone online there are so many options to choose from. Not only do you get a huge range of cell phone accessories to go along with the mobile phone but you also start to wonder which is the best cell phone to buy. well if you're out to buy a cell phone online there are also a lot of different reviews that tell you which are the best deals for you. However this might not always fit you're wallet, because today you can not only find cheap mobile phones but really expensive phones ones also. The big players today would be samsung phones and apple phones not to forget nokia mobile phones but others like htc mobile phones are also gaining ground in the market. I know that many are very happy with htc smartphones and have also considered buying one.

Now I don't know about you but I have been following the battle that Apple and Samsung are doing in court. If you would ask me I really like samsung smart phones however apple phones are not to shabby either. I do like nokia smartphones also but lately I have found that the quality have gone down and that they have a bunch of functions that don't work, so I really have been looking at samsung smartphones as of late. I like samsung phones because I think they make cheap mobile phones (not in a bad way) when you look at what you get for you're money.

This is me talking, who knows what's going to happen next year. Maybe someone else will be on top then. Cell phone accessories are also readily avaliable for most mobile phones and samsung smart phones do have a wide range of cell phone accessories that you can buy.

Now I don't buy new cellphones to often but if I would buy a cellphone today I would get one of the smartphones because it's the way of the future. We are getting more and more connected in this day of an age and the ability to use the smartphones to connect to the internet is becoming more and more common. They are getting so fast now that you can do most of the things that you're ordinary computer can do. The only downside is the small screens.. Who will be the ones to fix this problem? Only time will tell, but already they are prepering to release smartphones that can almost be folded. Great stuff.